Open Education Conference 2009 Vancouver, Canada - Scholarship Application
Last year I applied for, and was awarded a scholarship to attend OpenEd in Logan, Utah. I came all the way from Hong Kong, and I’m tremendously glad that I did. My experience at OpenEd has made an enormous impact on my life. I met some great people, found a great project, and subsequently landed an excellent job in Open Education.
There are four main reasons I plan to attend OpenEd 2009: <ol> <li>P2PU - Most (if not all) the people from the Peer2Peer University will be there, it’s a perfect time to meet up and move forward.</a>
There are plenty more good reasons for me to be there, who knows what new things I’ll discover.
The most important issue I’m currently facing relates to the commercialization of the Open Education field. If I’m selected to attend OpenEd 2009, I’ll be there to gather information and discuss the topic of for-profit commercialization of Open Education. Important decisions lie ahead and I want to be sure to do the right thing. It will be valuable to interact with people who have experience in commercializing Open and building sustainable business models.
Thanks for reading, feel free to contact me. I appreciate your consideration for this opportunity and I hope to see you all at OpenEd 2009.